Point Roberts considers ‘Candid Camera’ for couch criminals


There was at least one unusual idea presented at the Point Roberts Community Advisory (PRCAC) meeting on August 15 and that was the installation of roadside cameras to discourage illegal dumping.

The concept came from an earlier meeting of the Point Roberts Taxpayers Association (PRTA), where it was suggested placing security cameras at locations prone to dumping. One taxpayer even offered to donate a camera. There was talk of creating a library of cameras that the public could check out to place in areas where people usually dump their unwanted furniture and appliances.

“I don’t think anyone disagrees that this is an issue we need to address,” said board member Annelle Norman. “We will start with one camera and solicit funds from the community to purchase more.” The plan was to install the cameras semi-permanently until the issue at that location is resolved, after which the cameras would be moved to new problem areas.

Committee chair Alli Calder voiced concerns, saying, “I’m going to be the naysayer. You can’t install anything in the right-of-way; it belongs to Whatcom County. We can’t go installing cameras on county property, such as posts or telephone poles, because that’s illegal. If someone happens to have a piece of property that was a problem area, I suggest they place a camera on their property facing the right-of-way.”

Calder continued, adding, “It’s a very slippery slope for either taxpayers or PRCAC to attempt something like this within a county right-of-way since it’s not our jurisdiction. If the county wants to do that, it’s up to them.”

“If someone uses a camera provided by the association for illicit purposes, like spying on a neighbor, the association could be held liable. Not everyone is honest, and someone may be using them for something that they shouldn’t be doing,” she warned,

Norman concluded, “Taxpayers need to have another conversation about setting this up and discuss liability. We might also consider using the funds to create signs instead.”


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