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What I find disturbing is that Stephen and Sara almost certainly met and communicated issues relating to District operations and business outside of an official meeting. The state OPM (Open Public Meeting) guidelines are absolutely clear. A majority of the Board (in this case two commissioners) cannot meet to discuss District business outside of an official meeting where the other board member and the public can respond or question.

"Meet" here includes email exchanges, phone calls, and of course, personal interactions. There is a $500 fine for the first infraction and $1,000 for each additional infraction.

As someone who has served on several district boards and is currently a water commissioner, I can tell you that I have never raised a district related issue in a manner that violated this state regulation. Stephen is a lawyer. Surely, he knows the OPM guidelines and what surely looks like a violation of them surprises me. He is also a friend and that makes this comment even more painful.

From: Letters to the Editor - June

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