Letters to the Editor - September


The Editor:

I would like to personally thank all who came out for our fire department open house to enjoy the afternoon with us. We served over 300 meals. 

Thanks to all the community volunteer organizations and others who participated and helped make the day great. 

See you next year!

Christopher Carleton, Fire Chief

Point Roberts


The Editor:

Beautiful Northwest Washington!

How wonderful to be living here where it is relatively cool, and happily not suffering from forest fire smoke, so far.

What are climate change deniers thinking 40 years too late? This morning’s news reported Florida’s 98-degree ocean water will generate hurricanes and kill ocean life affecting real estate, fishing, and tourism industries.  

Texas is a real oxymoron! The state and its petroleum industry has been saved from blackouts caused by excessive heat and air conditioners because of high use of green energy solar power. Yet, the Petroleum State is now spending billions for dikes to protect their refineries from high seas. It would seem that only profit makes decisions affecting all of humanity. (Solar electricity is more efficient and less expensive than oil-generated electricity.) 

Isn’t there enough evidence for people who have been deluded by truly fake news and the agenda of climate deniers and fraud believers? We are all victims.

Hopefully, it is not too late to seriously invest in a future where we both adapt to and develop technology to help our comfortable survival.

But we must act now on fthe acts and the truth.

Donna Starr



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